New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius

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As we slowly emerge from the shadow of Mercury and Mars retrograde this New Moon in Aquarius is here to usher in refreshing and revitalizing energy! Sudden realizations and passions will be engaged!

Our Moon will be new at exactly 3:53 pm EDT on January 21st, 2023. You can work with the new moon energy three days before and after the moon is exactly new. 

New Moons are always marking the beginning of a cycle, making it an extra magical time for us to manifest the life we deserve, break bad habits, or begin an internal change.

This New Moon is in Aquarius, a committed, revolutionary, intellectual, logical, and innovative sign. Allow yourself to explore your most radical ideas and bring them to life without fear of judgment.

This is will be one of the best times for you to manifest and take action as this new moon is also sextiling Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance. Things started under this new moon will be beneficial and provide results.

I recommend you read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state and your Moon sign guidance on how to take care of your emotional well-being.

New Moon in Aquarius horoscopes:


Some may say you are too much, but I want you to remember that your experience and your self-expression is valid and needed. You are enough as you are, be gentle with yourself and remember to surround yourself with people who love and support you. Work with Rose Quartz to practice more self-love!


Trusting the unknown does not come easily to you, allow yourself the time you need to adjust but push yourself to remain open to unfamiliar things. You are safe, loved and worthy of taking a leap of faith. You know what to do, allow yourself to take the risk! Work with Blue Chalcedony to keep an open mind and heart.


Invest in your personal and educational development, you were sent here to learn and expand your mind. You are worthy of reaching for more for yourself. Reflect on what is now a clear pursuit for you and go for it! Work with Jade to help your growth.


Release yourself from the burdens of your past, you don’t have to stay inside of your shell to feel comfort and love. Use this time as a new opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you and move forwards into new territories. Work with Celestite for divine guidance.


Relationships are your focus for this lunation, it’s time to voice your frustrations and clear the air. Remember if you do not communicate your frustrations they will continue. Work with Blue Lace Agate to clearly communicate your feelings in a non-confrontational way.


There may be a new job opportunity or project that deeply aligns with your purpose. Be gentle with yourself and trust the process. Take your first steps and watch as the universe continues to illuminate the path ahead. Work with Citrine to help you propel your dreams. 


This lunation will focus on boundaries within the home and family. You often sacrifice yourself for the sake of maintaining balance and peace. It’s time to chase what your soul truly craves, don’t get pulled into another balancing act for the circus. Work with Pink Mangano Calcite to help you put your true passions first.


What does home mean to you? What does family mean to you? Much has changed for you this past year, but things are starting to look up. You know destruction is sometimes needed in order to become who we are meant to be, use this lunation to welcome the new opportunity and love that is coming into your life. Work with Amazonite to help you welcome the changes.


You can feel yourself stepping into a new beginning. You’ve never been fearful of leading the way through uncharted territories, let this fearlessness serve as your foundation as you build a better life for yourself. Work with Optical Honey Calcite to help motivate you and provide you with clarity.


Everything to do with your sense of self is on your mind, you may find yourself questioning your career path, comfort, finances, stability, and relationships. Allow yourself to answer these tough questions truthfully and then take action that aligns with what you really want. Work with Prehnite to strengthen your hopes and dreams.


Happy Solar Return! It is your time to shine! As you grow and reinvent yourself through trial and error you are becoming whom you were always meant to be. Surrender yourself to who you really are and leave behind the person you became to survive. It’s time for you to LIVE! Work with Rhodochrosite to help you be your most authentic self.


You’re already deeply in touch with your senses and emotions, your intuitive abilities are unmatched. Your senses have great power and you are always able to see the potential. But be wary of where you stand in your own way. Believe in your power and ability to achieve. How are you preventing yourself from taking action in the physical world? Work with Orange Calcite to help you believe in yourself.

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